Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Olivia's Vocabulary

I thought I'd give you a break from Disney to tell you a couple of funny stories about Livvy's vocabulary. This morning we took Emery to the Dr in Topeka (both ears are infected again!), and we were in the bathroom changing her diaper. Olivia said, "Mommy, I saw one of those things hanging on the door. You know, apricots?" I was a little unsure what she was talking about - apricots hanging on a door?? "You know, apricots. They were green suits and yellow shirts." Now I'm getting really confused, and Olivia is getting increasingly frustrated with my inability to follow her. "Well, I don't know if it's called apricots but it sounds like that. You know, they pick clovers." Finally, the light bulb goes on. "Oh, a leprechaun?" I ask. Of course. It does kind of sound like apricots, now that she mentioned it.

This afternoon while Emery napped we were playing hotel. I was checking in all of the various dolls and stuffed animals who were visiting the hotel, and Olivia was the maitre'd. We have a cash register with a microphone, so I would get on the microphone and page Olivia "Maitre'd, can you please show Elmo to room 216" and so on. Later on, Olivia was tired of being the maitre'd and wanted to be the front desk clerk. So she said "Mom, can you be the Sandra Dee for awhile, so I can check people in?" That was a good one too. That girl.

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