Finally...I'm back home after ten days away, so it's time for an update. We spent a few days in Salina since John's niece, Angela, who lives in Michigan was there visiting. It was good to see her, and she loves all of her little cousins. Then the girls and I continued on to Ellsworth, where all of the grandkids went to Bible school. Olivia had a lot of fun at Bible school - especially the crafts and snacks - and loved being with her three cousins for a week. Last night was the big fireworks show in Ellsworth, and John and I took the girls out for a couple of hours in the evening to do the big inflatable rides and eat cotton candy. The fireworks weren't until 10 p.m. and we tried to watch at Grammy and Grampy's house but you couldn't see much over the big trees across the street. I really enjoyed spending some time with my nieces and nephew, but it was really nice to get back to my house after so long away.
Emery's birthday is just 8 days away, and I can't believe our baby will be one. She is doing a really good job of walking - she can cross a room without help - when she feels like it, of course. She is in the "clingy" stage where she cries when Mom walks out of the room which really bruises Dad's ego, but I know it will pass.
This has been the best summer I've had in a long time. I think that vacation right after school gets out really helped. I know we can't pull off a Disney trip every year, but I think we'll continue to do something. I just felt so content and ready for the summer with the girls, and I didn't have to spend my weeks pining away for some vacation time.
I hear fireworks popping all over town. Not to be a Scrooge, but I get so tired of listening to firecrackers. I swear the kids in our neighborhood must spend hundreds of dollars on fireworks because they go off all night and all day for a week. I guess if that's my biggest gripe, life is pretty good. :0) Happy 4th of July everyone!
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