Today is Emery's first birthday. I can't believe she is one already. Before I was a parent, everyone told me that their kids grew up so quickly and it was hard for me to understand, but I get it now. Yesterday Emery started walking almost everywhere she went. It's like she somehow knew she was one and had better step it up a notch. :0)
Last night we had a small dinner with some good friends of Em's and ours to celebrate. Rick, Michelle, David, Jonathan, Katie, and Adam all came over to hang out with the birthday girl for awhile. They have been good friends to our girls and to us.
Here are some pics of the ceremonical cake-eating. Emery was very neat about it and she liked it a lot. She pretty much ate the whole piece. We'll have another party with family in a couple of weekends back at Grammy and Grampy's house. Emery is such an easy-going girl and puts up with the chaos that is life in our house so well. Daddy is hoping she'll be his athlete because she loves to play ball. Whatever you become, I'm glad your ours, Em!
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