Well, it's been a long time since we posted here, so I'll try and get caught up. On Sunday, July 15, the girls and I were all loaded up to spend the week in Ellsworth so Olivia could attend musical camp at Salina Community Theatre. One of my favorite people, Sam Casey, stopped by. He was in town for the weekend and was leaving for Iraq on Tuesday. Without getting too political, I'll just let you know that Sunday was Sam's 19th birthday. That's right, he's not even "mature" enough or a good enough "decision-maker" to buy a beer but he can go to Iraq. Anyway, we love him and can't wait 'til he's back home again. On to other topics.... Olivia spent four hours a day at the Salina Community Theater getting ready for their mini-musical "The Lion King." I wasn't sure how she would do because she didn't know any of the other kids, but she was ready to go each morning. I figured she would get tired of the Ellsworth to Salina commute, but she never complained. She really loved that class, especially the dancing. They did a great performance and Olivia said her lines really loud and clear. She had them memorized, and she hadn't even told us she had lines. When the show was over, she just kept asking if she could do it again. That's the only bummer about theater - you work so hard and then it's just over.
On Saturday, we had Emery's birthday party for family and John's parents and Uncle Tony and Aunt Lupe joined us from Salina. Grammy made brisket and Aunt Kim made her famous baked beans. Daddy and I made cake and cupcakes for dessert and everyone had a great time. Emery got lots of nice gifts - blocks and dolls and Little People.
We returned home Sunday night to get ready for Emery's ear tubes surgery yesterday. We spent the night in Topeka on Monday evening since we had to be at the hospital early yesterday and she couldn't have anything to drink. By the way, if you're ever looking for a fun place to stay with kids in Topeka, try the Holiday Inn West. We got it for $40 on Priceline and it has the best water slide ever. Me, John, and Olivia (and every other kid and adult) had a lot of fun on it. Emery made the surgery experience really easy for all of us. She slept for the hour plus that they keep you waiting and was still sleeping on the nurse's shoulder when she carried her back for surgery. That made me cry. But it was over quickly, and when John and I were called back to recovery, she was rocking with a nurse, head on her shoulder. Of course, they were all just in love with her. Then I got to rock her, after a little prying away from the nurse, and soon Olivia got to come back and check on her baby sis. The surgery was at 8:15 and we were headed back to Osage City by 10 a.m. Today I'll just try to catch up on house cleaning and phone calls that have gone undone for a week and a half!
Photos: Olivia introducing herself to the audience following the play; Proud parents and happy girl after The Lion King; Olivia dancing to "I Just Can't Wait to be King" - she's the leopard on the far right, back row; Emery and Aunt Lupe coloring; and Emery enjoying a cupcake at her party.
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