Thursday, March 1, 2007

Kansas... An Inconvenient Truth

I'm sure that Kansans have started a conversation like this millions of times... but really, our weather here is insane. Last night at 10 p.m., I woke up to the sound of the tornado sirens going off. So I woke up Olivia and put her in the closet and then got the baby and myself in. You may be wondering where darling husband is during all of this, and if you know John at all, you know the answer is outside trying to get Podunk the cat to come in. Only when Olivia started crying did John finally join us in our "shelter." I love the cats (okay, like the cats) and the dog too, but sometimes you just have to let people be the priority. Anyway, the siren event was short-lived and after convincing Olivia that our bedroom is tornado-proof and moving her goldfish to the bedroom in case of another siren, we all went back to bed. Then, when I was hauling the girls to the car at 7:30 this morning, it was snowing. Kansas weather is crazy.

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